The Infrastructure Act and Your North Bethesda Business

white house

The Infrastructure Act and Your North Bethesda Business – Blink, and we’re already into December. Which also means… 2022 is right around the corner. Are you ready? The reason I put this so starkly is that you and I have less than 30 days left to make a tangible difference on your taxes (business or personal). […]

Year-End Business Tax Strategy for North Bethesda SMB Owners


Year-End Business Tax Strategy for North Bethesda SMB Owners. There are many of our clients for whom this time of year is like their version of the Super Bowl. Some Montgomery County businesses are earning 30-50% (or more) of their yearly revenue in this one month. Others … well, this is a normal month — […]

Tia Cantrell’s Insights on Financial Planning for Business Owners

pay youself

Tia Cantrell’s Insights on Financial Planning for Business Owners – Last weekin the start of my series on financial planning for business owners, I got a little carried away by all of the talk of “independence.” So, I took the opportunity to ask you a simple question: Are you achieving the independence you want in […]

North Bethesda Business Owners Can Achieve Business Solvency


by Tia Cantrell,  North Bethesda Business Owners Can Achieve Business Solvency – With our nation celebrating its 245th birthday on Sunday, and all of this talk about “independence” flying around, I have a question for you — one that I think you should think hard about: Are you achieving the independence you wanted in your business? […]